Source code for pystra.model

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np
from .distributions import Distribution, Constant
from collections import OrderedDict

[docs]class StochasticModel: """Stochastic model""" def __init__(self): """ Use ordered dictionary to make sure that the order corresponds to the correlation matrix """ self.variables = OrderedDict() self.names = [] self.marg = [] self.correlation = None self.Ro = None self.call_function = 0 self.consts = {}
[docs] def addVariable(self, obj): """ add stochastic variable """ if not (isinstance(obj, Distribution) or isinstance(obj, Constant)): raise Exception("Input is not a Distribution or Constant object") if obj.getName() in self.names: raise Exception(f'variable name "{obj.getName()}" already exists') # append the variable name self.names.append(obj.getName()) if isinstance(obj, Distribution): # append marginal distribution self.marg.append(obj) # append the Distribution object to the variables (ordered) dictionary self.variables[obj.getName()] = obj # update the default correlation matrix, in accordance with the number of variables self.correlation = np.eye(len(self.marg)) elif isinstance(obj, Constant): self.consts[obj.getName()] = obj.getValue()
def getConstants(self): return self.consts def getVariables(self): return self.variables def getVariable(self, name): return self.variables[name] def getNames(self): return self.names def getLenMarginalDistributions(self): return len(self.marg) def getMarginalDistributions(self): return self.marg def setMarginalDistributions(self, marg): self.marg = marg def setCorrelation(self, obj): self.correlation = np.array(obj.getMatrix()) def getCorrelation(self): return self.correlation def setModifiedCorrelation(self, correlation): self.Ro = correlation def getModifiedCorrelation(self): return self.Ro def addCallFunction(self, add): self.call_function += add def getCallFunction(self): return self.call_function
[docs]class LimitState: r""" The Limit State function definition class. The limit state function can be defined in two main ways: 1. Numerical differentiation (FFD): the limit state function need only return its value at a set of evaluation points, X. In this form, the function can be either: (a) A python lambda object; (b) A python function object. 2. Using the Direct Differentiation Method (DDM): the limit state function is a python function object return both its value and gradient vector at each of the evaluation points. Note in both cases that each parameter (i.e. function argument) may be passed as a vector, depending on the algorithm being called. Where a function returns a gradient vector, it is only utilized when DDM is specified. """ def __init__(self, expression=None): self.expression = expression """Expression of the limit-state function""" self.model = None self.options = None self.x = None self.nx = 0 self.nrv = 0 def getExpression(self): return self.expression def setExpression(self, expression): self.expression = expression
[docs] def evaluate_lsf(self, x, stochastic_model, analysis_options, diff_mode=None): """Evaluate the limit state""" self.model = stochastic_model self.options = analysis_options self.x = x if diff_mode == None: diff_mode = analysis_options.getDiffMode() else: diff_mode = "no" if analysis_options.getMultiProc() == 0: raise NotImplementedError("getMultiProc") else: # No differentiation for MCS if diff_mode == "no": G, grad_G = self.evaluate_nogradient(x) elif diff_mode == "ddm": G, grad_G = self.evaluate_ddm(x) else: G, grad_G = self.evaluate_ffd(x) return G, grad_G
def evaluate_nogradient(self, x): nrv, nx = x.shape G = np.zeros((1, nx)) grad_G = np.zeros((nrv, nx)) block_size = self.options.getBlockSize() if nx > 1: k = 0 while k < nx: block_size = np.min([block_size, nx - k]) indx = list(range(k, k + block_size)) blockx = x[:, indx] blockG, _ = self.compute_lsf(blockx) G[:, indx] = blockG # grad_g[indx] = blockdummy k += block_size self.model.addCallFunction(nx) return G, grad_G def evaluate_ffd(self, x): nrv, nx = x.shape G = np.zeros((1, nx)) grad_G = np.zeros((nrv, nx)) block_size = self.options.getBlockSize() ffdpara = self.options.getffdpara() allx = np.zeros((nrv, nx * (1 + nrv))) allx[:] = x allh = np.zeros(nrv) marg = self.model.getMarginalDistributions() x0 = x for j in range(nrv): x = x0 allh[j] = marg[j].stdv / ffdpara x[j] = x[j] + allh[j] * np.ones(nx) indx = list(range(j + 1, 1 + (1 + j + (nx - 1) * (1 + nrv)), (1 + nrv))) allx[j, indx] = x[j] allG = np.zeros(nx * (1 + nrv)) k = 0 while k < (nx * (1 + nrv)): block_size = np.min([block_size, nx * (1 + nrv) - k]) indx = list(range(k, k + block_size)) blockx = allx[:, indx] blockG, _ = self.compute_lsf(blockx) allG[indx] = blockG.squeeze() k += block_size indx = list(range(0, (1 + (nx - 1) * (1 + nrv)), (1 + nrv))) G = allG[indx] for j in range(nrv): indx = list(range(j + 1, 1 + (1 + j + (nx - 1) * (1 + nrv)), (1 + nrv))) grad_G[j, :] = (allG[indx] - G) / allh[j] self.model.addCallFunction(nx * (1 + nrv)) return G, grad_G def evaluate_ddm(self, x): nrv, nx = x.shape G = np.zeros((1, nx)) grad_G = np.zeros((nrv, nx)) for k in range(nx): G[k], grad_G[:, k : k + 1] = self.compute_lsf(x[:, k : k + 1], ddm=True) self.model.addCallFunction(nx) return G, grad_G
[docs] def compute_lsf(self, x, ddm=False): """Compute the limit state function""" _, nc = np.shape(x) variables = self.model.getVariables() constants = self.model.getConstants() inpdict = dict() for i, var in enumerate(variables): inpdict[var] = x[i] for c, val in constants.items(): inpdict[c] = val * np.ones(nc) Gvals = self.expression(**inpdict) try: if ddm: G, gradient = Gvals else: if isinstance(Gvals, tuple): G = Gvals[0] else: G = Gvals gradient = 0 except TypeError: raise TypeError( "Limit state function return must match differentiation mode" ) return G, gradient