Source code for pystra.calibration

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from .distributions import Constant
from .model import LimitState, StochasticModel
from .form import Form
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]class Calibration: r"""Class for calibrating partial and combination factors. The factors are: :math:`\\phi`, :math:`\\gamma`, and :math:`\\psi` factors for a given load combination instance and target reliability. Attributes ---------- betaT : float Target reliability index calib_method : str The calibration algorithm to use cvar : str The label of the calibration variable. df_nom : DataFrame A dataframe of nominal values df_Xstar : DataFrame A dataframe of design point values df_phi : DataFrame A dataframe of partial factors for resistances df_gamma : DataFrame A dataframe of partial factors for loads df_psi : DataFrame A dataframe of load combination factors dict_nom : dict Dictionary of nominal values est_method : str The estimation method label_comb_vrs : str Labels of combination variables label_comb_cases : str Labels of combination load variables label_R : str Labels of resistance variables label_other : str Labels of other load variables label_all : str Labels of all variables including design parameter loadCombObj : LoadCombination LoadCombination object print_output : bool Whether or not to print output to the console """ def __init__( self, loadcombobj, target_beta, dict_nom_vals, calib_var, calib_method="optimize", est_method="matrix", print_output=False, ): """ Initialize class instance. Parameters ---------- loadcombobj : Class object Class LoadCombination object. target_beta : Float Target reliability index for calibration. dict_nom_vals : Dictionary Dictionary of nominal values. calib_var : String Label of calibration variable in the LSF. calib_method : String, optional Calibration method for the analysis: "optimize" or "alpha". The default is "optimize". est_method : String, optional Estimation method for the factors: "matrix" or "coeff". The default is "matrix". print_output : Boolean, optional Boolean flag for printing analysis output. The default is False. Returns ------- None. """ # Instance attributes self.lc_obj = loadcombobj self.beta_t = target_beta self.calib_method = calib_method self.est_method = est_method self.print_output = print_output self.dict_nom = dict_nom_vals self.df_nom = pd.DataFrame( data=dict_nom_vals, index=loadcombobj.label_comb_cases ) ( self.label_R, self.label_other, self.label_comb_vrs, self.label_comb_cases, self.label_all, ) = self._set_labels() self.label_S = self.label_other + self.label_comb_vrs self.cvar = calib_var ## Utility Methods @staticmethod def _print_form_results(form): """ Print the results for a Pystra FORM object Parameters ---------- form : Pystra FORM object Pystra FORM object after running analysis. Returns ------- None. """ print( f" \n β = {form.getBeta():.3f} \n α = {form.getAlpha().round(3)}\ \n x* = {form.getDesignPoint(False).round(3)}" ) @staticmethod def _get_missing_element(mainlist, subsetlist): """ Identify the element in the mainlist which is not present in the subset list. Parameters ---------- mainlist : List subsetlist : List Returns ------- missing : List List containing mainlist elements not present in subset list. """ missing = [True if xx not in subsetlist else False for xx in mainlist] missing = list(np.array(mainlist)[missing]) return missing def _set_labels(self): """ Set labels of random variables and load cases based on the LoadCombination class Object. Returns ------- label_R : List List of resistance variables. label_other : List List of other load variables. label_comb_vrs : List List of load combination case variables. label_comb_cases : List List of load combination cases. label_all : List List of all random variables. """ label_comb_cases = self.lc_obj.get_label("comb_cases") label_R = self.lc_obj.get_label("resist") label_comb_vrs = self.lc_obj.get_label("comb_vrs") label_other = self.lc_obj.get_label("other") label_all = self.lc_obj.get_label("all") return label_R, label_other, label_comb_vrs, label_comb_cases, label_all
[docs] def calc_lsf_eval_df(self, df, ret_abs=True): """Calculate the LSF evaluation of a Dataframe elements. Pass each dataframe value to the LSF and get corresponding LSF evaluation. The columns of the dataframe must be a subset of LSF arguments. Parameters ---------- df : Dataframe Dataframe for element-wise LSF evaluation. len(df.index) can be greater-than or equal to 1 ret_abs : Bool, optional Return abs of LSF evaluation. The default is True. Returns ------- df_lsf : Dataframe Dataframe containing element-wise LSF evaluation of passed df. """ df_lsf = df.copy() for col in df: jj = [ self.lc_obj.eval_lsf_kwargs(**{"z": 1.0, col: xx}) for xx in df_lsf[col] ] df_lsf.loc[:, col] = [abs(xx) for xx in jj] if ret_abs else jj return df_lsf
## Projection Methods def _calibration_optimize( self, rel_func, z0, target_beta, print_output=False, xtol=1e-4, max_iter=None, **kwargs, ): """ Calibrate design parameter for the supplied rel_func to target reliability index using optimization algorithm. Parameters ---------- rel_func : Function Reliability function for the LoadCombination problem parameterized on the load case name and returning a FORM object. z0 : Float Initial value of the design parameter for resistance. target_beta : Float The target reliability index. print_output : Bool, optional Display output for print_outputging. The default is False. xtol : Float, optional Relative error tolerance for convergence. The default is 1e-4. max_iter : Integer, optional Maximum number of iterations for optimizations. The default is as per scipy.optimize.fsolve. **kwargs : Keyword arguments Keyword arguments for rel_func. Returns ------- Zk_opt : Array Calibrated value of the design parameter for resistance at target_beta. form : Pystra FORM object The form object at beta_t """ cvar = self.cvar def obj_func(Zk, beta_t): val = Constant(cvar, Zk) dict_z = {cvar: val} kwargs.update(dict_z) form = rel_func(**kwargs) if print_output: ## Change to inbuilt print( f"\n{Zk=} \n β = {form.getBeta():.3f} \ \n α = {form.getAlpha()} \ \n x* = {form.getDesignPoint(False)}" ) return beta_t - form.beta if max_iter is None: Zk_opt = fsolve(obj_func, x0=z0, args=(target_beta), xtol=xtol) else: Zk_opt = fsolve( obj_func, x0=z0, args=(target_beta), xtol=xtol, maxfev=max_iter ) val = Constant(cvar, Zk_opt) dict_z = {cvar: val} kwargs.update(dict_z) form = rel_func(**kwargs) return Zk_opt, form def _calibration_alpha( self, rel_func, z0, target_beta, print_output=False, abstol=1e-4, max_iter=int(1e2), **kwargs, ): """ Calibrate design parameter for the supplied rel_func to target reliability index using iterative :math:`\\alpha` projection method. Parameters ---------- rel_func : Function Reliability function for the LoadCombination problem parameterized on the load case name and returning a FORM object. z0 : Float Initial value of the design parameter for resistance. target_beta : Float The target reliability index. print_output : Bool, optional Display output for print_outputging. The default is False. abstol : Float, optional Absolute error tolerance for convergence. The default is 1e-4. max_iter : Integer, optional Maximum number of iterations. The default 100. **kwargs : Keyword arguments Keyword arguments for rel_func. Returns ------- Zk_opt : Float Calibrated value of the design parameter for resistance at target_beta. form : Pystra FORM object The form object at beta_t """ ## Initialize algorithm cvar = self.cvar val = Constant(cvar, z0) dict_z = {cvar: val} kwargs.update(dict_z) form0 = rel_func(**kwargs) alpha0 = form0.getAlpha() n_iter = 0 beta0 = form0.getBeta() alpha_cal = alpha0 form_cal = form0 beta_cal = beta0 z_cal = z0 columns = self._get_df_Xstar_labels(form0) if print_output: print(f"\n ==== Iteration {n_iter} ====") self._print_form_results(form0) ## Iterate till convergence while not np.isclose(beta_cal, self.beta_t, atol=abstol): ## U-space projection U_cal = alpha_cal * self.beta_t ## X-space projection Xstar_cal = form_cal.transform.u_to_x( U_cal, form_cal.model.getMarginalDistributions() ) ## Calculate the design parameter for the Calibrated LSF dfXst_cal = pd.DataFrame(data=[Xstar_cal], columns=columns) z_cal = np.array([self.calc_design_param_Xst(dfXst_cal)]) ## Check Calibrated reliability index val = Constant(cvar, z_cal) dict_z = {cvar: val} kwargs.update(dict_z) form_cal = rel_func(**kwargs) beta_cal = form_cal.getBeta() alpha_cal = form_cal.getAlpha() ## New U-space projection U_cal = alpha_cal * self.beta_t n_iter += 1 ## Increment number of iterations if print_output: print(f"\n ==== Iteration {n_iter} ====") self._print_form_results(form_cal) print(f"\n z = {z_cal}") if n_iter == max_iter: print(f"Maximum iterations {max_iter} exceeded! Aborting!") break return z_cal, form_cal
[docs] def calc_design_param_Xst(self, dfXst): """ Calculate design parameter for resistance from design points. Parameters ---------- dfXst : Dataframe Dataframe containing design points. Note: len(dfXst.index) = 1 Returns ------- z : Float design parameter for resistance corresponding to the design pt. """ dfS = dfXst[self.label_other + self.label_comb_vrs] dfS_dict = dfS.to_dict("records")[0] sum_loadeff = self.lc_obj.eval_lsf_kwargs(**dfS_dict) R_dict = dfXst[self.label_R].to_dict("records")[0] sum_resist = self.lc_obj.eval_lsf_kwargs(**R_dict) z = sum_loadeff / sum_resist z = float(abs(z)) return z
def _get_df_Xstar(self, list_form_obj, cols=None, idx=None): """ Get a dataframe of design points in physical space using a list of FORM objects Parameters ---------- list_form_obj : List List of FORM objects. cols : List or pandas.DataFrame.columns Column values for output Dataframe. Default is list_form_obj[0].model.getNames()[1:] idx : List or pandas.DataFrame.index Index values for output Dataframe. Default is integer array. Returns ------- dfXstar : Dataframe Dataframe of design points in physical space. """ Xstar = [xx.getDesignPoint(uspace=False) for xx in list_form_obj] label_vrs = self._get_df_Xstar_labels(list_form_obj[0]) cols = label_vrs if cols is None else cols idx = np.arange(len(list_form_obj)) if idx is None else idx dfXstar = pd.DataFrame(data=Xstar, columns=cols, index=idx) return dfXstar def _get_df_Xstar_labels(self, form): """ Get labels for the DataFrame of design points using the form objects. The Labels contains the [resistance variables + other load variables + load combination variables] Parameters ---------- form : Object Pystra FORM object. Returns ------- label_vrs : list Labels for the DataFrame of design points using the form objects. """ label_const = form.model.getConstants().keys() label_all = form.model.getNames() label_vrs = sorted(list(set(label_all) - set(label_const)), key=label_all.index) return label_vrs
[docs] def run(self, est_method=None, set_max=False): """ Run calibration analysis to estimate :math:`\\phi`, :math:`\\gamma`, and :math:`\\psi` factors, and set class dataframe attributes corresponding to each factor. Parameters ---------- est_method : String, optional Calibration method override. The default is "matrix". Returns ------- None. """ est_method = self.est_method if est_method is None else est_method self._run_calibration() if est_method == "coeff": self.df_phi, self.df_gamma, self.df_psi = self._estimate_factors_coeff( set_max ) elif est_method == "matrix": self.df_phi, self.df_gamma, self.df_psi = self._estimate_factors_matrix( set_max )
def _run_calibration(self): """ Run the method for calibrating the design parameter to the target reliability index. Returns ------- None. """ arr_zcal, list_form_cal = self._calibrate_design_param() self.dfXstarcal = self._get_df_Xstar( list_form_cal, idx=self.lc_obj.label_comb_cases ) self.dfXstarcal["z"] = arr_zcal def _estimate_factors_coeff(self, set_max=False): """ Estimate the factors :math:`\\phi`, :math:`\\gamma`, and :math:`\\psi` factors using the coefficient approach. Parameters ---------- set_max : Boolean, optional Set psi estimates to their corresponding max values. The default is False. Returns ------- df_phi : Dataframe Dataframe of :math:`\\phi` per load case. df_gamma : Dataframe Dataframe of :math:`\\gamma`. df_psi : Dataframe Dataframe of :math:`\\psi` per load case. """ df_phi, df_gamma, df_psi = self.calc_pg_coeff( self.dfXstarcal, print_output=self.print_output ) df_psi = self.get_psi_max(df_psi) if set_max else df_psi df_phi = self.get_phi_min(df_phi) if set_max else df_phi return df_phi, df_gamma, df_psi
[docs] def get_psi_max(self, dfpsi): """ Get :math:`\\psi` dataframe corresponding to maximum estimates of dfpsi. Parameters ---------- dfpsi : DataFrame Dataframe of :math:`\\psi` per load case. Returns ------- df_psi_max : DataFrame Dataframe of :math:`\\psi` corresponding to maximum of each load effect. """ df_psi_max = dfpsi[self.label_comb_vrs].copy() np.fill_diagonal(df_psi_max.values, 0.0) df_psi_max = df_psi_max.clip(df_psi_max.max(), axis=1) np.fill_diagonal(df_psi_max.values, 1.0) if len(self.label_other) > 0: df_psi_max.loc[:, self.label_other] = dfpsi[self.label_other] return df_psi_max
def _calibrate_design_param(self): """ Calibrate design parameter for resistance to target Beta for all load combination cases using the specified projection method. The starting value of the calibration variable is taken as that specified in the LoadCombination object definition. Returns ------- list_z_cal : List List of calibrated design parameters per load comb case. list_form_cal : List List of calibrated Pystra FORM objects per load comb case. """ startz = self.lc_obj.constant[self.cvar].getValue() rel_func = self.lc_obj.run_reliability_case list_z_cal = [] list_form_cal = [] for lc in self.lc_obj.label_comb_cases: if self.calib_method == "optimize": zcal, form = self._calibration_optimize( rel_func, z0=startz, print_output=self.print_output, target_beta=self.beta_t, lcn=lc, ) elif self.calib_method == "alpha": zcal, form = self._calibration_alpha( rel_func, z0=startz, print_output=self.print_output, target_beta=self.beta_t, lcn=lc, ) list_z_cal.append(zcal) list_form_cal.append(form) list_z_cal = np.concatenate(list_z_cal) arr_beta = np.array([xx.getBeta() for xx in list_form_cal]) if self.print_output: print(f"\n Calibrated reliabilities = {arr_beta}") return list_z_cal, list_form_cal def _estimate_factors_matrix(self, set_max=False): """ Estimate the factors :math:`\\phi`, :math:`\\gamma`, and :math:`\\psi` factors using the Matrix approach. Returns ------- df_phi : Dataframe Dataframe of :math:`\\phi` per load case. df_gamma : Dataframe Dataframe of :math:`\\gamma`. df_psi : Dataframe Dataframe of :math:`\\psi`. """ df_phi, df_gamma, df_psi = self.calc_pg_matrix( self.dfXstarcal, print_output=self.print_output ) df_phi = self.get_phi_min(df_phi) if set_max else df_phi df_psi = self.get_psi_max(df_psi) if set_max else df_psi return df_phi, df_gamma, df_psi
[docs] def calc_pg_coeff(self, dfXst, print_output=False): """ Calculate :math:`\\phi`, :math:`\\gamma`, and :math:`\\psi` for the given set of design points and nominals using comparison of design pt coefficients approach. Parameters ---------- dfXst : Dataframe Dataframe containing all design points at target reliability. print_output : Boolean, optional print_output flag for displaying intermediate and final output of function. The default is False. Returns ------- df_phi : Dataframe Dataframe containing :math:`\\phi` estimates for resistance variables per load case. df_gamma : Dataframe Dataframe containing :math:`\\gamma` estimates for all static and combination load variables per load case. df_psi : Dataframe Dataframe containing :math:`\\psi` estimates for all static and combination load variables per load case. """ ## Estimate :math:`\\phi` and :math:`\\gamma` df_Xst_nom = self.calc_Xst_nom(dfXstar=dfXst) df_phi = self.calc_phi(df_Xst_nom) df_gamma_static, df_gamma_comb = self.calc_gamma(df_Xst_nom) df_gamma = pd.concat((df_gamma_static, df_gamma_comb), axis=1) ## Estimate :math:`\\psi` df_psi = dfXst / df_gamma / self.df_nom df_psi = df_psi[self.label_S] if print_output: print(f"\n $\\phi$, \n {df_phi}") print(f"\n $\\gamma$ static, \n {df_gamma_static}") print(f"\n $\\gamma$ comb vrs, \n {df_gamma_comb}") print(f"\n psi, \n {df_psi}") return df_phi, df_gamma, df_psi
[docs] def calc_Xst_nom(self, dfXstar): """ Calculate the design point DataFrame divided by the nominal values per load case and adjust for :math:`\\psi` factors for combination load variables. Parameters ---------- dfXstar : DataFrame DataFrame containing all design points at target reliability for all load cases. Returns ------- df_Xst_nom : DataFrame Design point DataFrame factored by the nominal values per load case. """ df_Xst_nom = dfXstar / self.df_nom # Adjust for :math:`\\psi` factors; replace with non :math:`\\psi` # entries for comb, vrs in self.lc_obj.dict_comb_cases.items(): other_combs = set(self.label_comb_cases) - set([comb]) gamma = df_Xst_nom.loc[comb, vrs] df_Xst_nom.loc[list(other_combs), vrs] = gamma.values df_Xst_nom = df_Xst_nom[dfXstar.columns] return df_Xst_nom
[docs] def calc_phi(self, dfXstnom): """ Calculate resistance factors :math:`\\phi` from a dataframe of design points factored by the nominal values. Parameters ---------- dfXstnom : DataFrame Design point DataFrame factored by the nominal values per load case. set_max : Boolean, optional Set :math:`\\phi` estimates to their corresponding max values. The default is False. Returns ------- df_phi : DataFrame Resistance factors :math:`\\phi` for resistance variables per load case. """ df_phi = dfXstnom[self.label_R] return df_phi
def get_phi_min(self, dfphi_): dfphi = dfphi_.copy() dfphi = dfphi.clip(upper=dfphi.min(), axis=1) return dfphi
[docs] def calc_gamma(self, dfXstnom): """ Calculate Load factors :math:`\\gamma` from a dataframe of design points factored by the nominal values. Parameters ---------- dfXstnom : DataFrame Design point DataFrame factored by the nominal values per load case. Returns ------- dfgamma_static : DataFrame Load factors for static variables per load case. dfgamma_comb : DataFrame Load factors for combination variables per load case. """ dfgamma_static = dfXstnom[self.label_other] dfgamma_comb = dfXstnom[self.label_comb_vrs] return dfgamma_static, dfgamma_comb
[docs] def calc_pg_matrix(self, dfXst, print_output=False): """ Calculate :math:`\\phi`, :math:`\\gamma`, and :math:`\\psi` for the given set of design points and nominals using the Matrix approach. Parameters ---------- dfXst : Dataframe Dataframe containing all design points at target reliability. print_output : Boolean, optional print_output flag for displaying intermediate and final output of function. The default is False. Returns ------- df_phi : Dataframe Dataframe containing :math:`\\phi` estimates for resistance variables per load case. df_gamma : Dataframe Dataframe containing :math:`\\gamma` estimates for all static and combination load variables per load case. df_psi : Dataframe Dataframe containing :math:`\\psi` estimates for all static and combination load variables per load case. """ ## Estimate :math:`\\phi` and :math:`\\gamma` df_Xst_nom = self.calc_Xst_nom(dfXstar=dfXst) df_phi = self.calc_phi(df_Xst_nom) df_gamma_static, df_gamma_comb = self.calc_gamma(df_Xst_nom) df_gamma = pd.concat((df_gamma_static, df_gamma_comb), axis=1) ## Estimate :math:`\\psi` # Get RHS :math:`\\phi~R~z-\\gamma_g~G-\\gamma_i~S_i` phiRz_egS = self.calc_phiRz_egS_vect(dfXst) # Get LHS :math:`\\gamma_j~S_j` df_gamma_nom = pd.concat([df_phi, df_gamma], axis=1) * self.df_nom epgS_mat = self.calc_epgS_mat(df_gamma_nom) # Estimate psi = np.linalg.solve(epgS_mat, phiRz_egS) psi_mat = self._get_psi_row_mat(len(self.label_other), psi) df_psi = pd.DataFrame( data=psi_mat, columns=df_gamma.columns, index=df_gamma.index ) if self.print_output: print(f"\n $\\phi$, \n {df_phi}") print(f"\n $\\gamma$ static, \n {df_gamma_static}") print(f"\n $\\gamma$ comb vrs, \n {df_gamma_comb}") print(f"\n egS Matrix, \n {epgS_mat}") print(f"\n zpR-gS Vector, \n {phiRz_egS}") print(f"\n psi, \n {df_psi}") return df_phi, df_gamma, df_psi
[docs] def calc_phiRz_egS_vect(self, dfXstar): """ Get RHS for matrix estimation method, :math:`\\phi~R~z-\\gamma_g~G-\\gamma_i~S_i` Parameters ---------- dfXstar : Dataframe Dataframe containing all design points at target reliability. Returns ------- phiRz_egS_vect : Array RHS for matrix estimation method as 1D Array. """ ## Initialize the vector phiRz_egS_vect = np.zeros(len(dfXstar.index)) idx = 0 for comb in dfXstar.index: # Get RVs with cvar except the other combination variable(s) s_label = self.lc_obj.dict_comb_cases[comb] s_other = set(self.label_comb_vrs) - set(s_label) label_all_rvs = ( self.label_R + self.label_comb_vrs + self.label_other + [self.cvar] ) list_others = list(set(label_all_rvs) - s_other) # Pass RVs except the other combination variable(s) to the LSF dfXstar_dict = dfXstar.loc[[comb], list_others].to_dict("records")[0] phiRz_egS_vect[idx] = self.lc_obj.eval_lsf_kwargs(**dfXstar_dict) idx += 1 return phiRz_egS_vect
[docs] def calc_epgS_mat(self, dfgammanom): """Get LHS for matrix estimation method, :math:`\\gamma_j~S_j`. The LHS is evaluated by evaluating the LSF with appropriate random variables to account for any constant multipliers. The implementation works for both, linear and non-linear LSFs. For more algorithmic details, ref to Appendix A, Caprani and Khan, Structural Safety, 2023. Parameters ---------- dfgammanom : Dataframe Dataframe containing product of nominal values and safety factors, along with calibrated z values. Returns ------- epgS_mat : Array LHS for matrix estimation method as 2D Array. """ ## Initialize the vector epgS_mat = np.zeros((len(dfgammanom.index), len(self.label_comb_vrs))) idx = 0 for comb in dfgammanom.index: # Get load comb RV with other RVs s_label = self.lc_obj.dict_comb_cases[comb] rvs_for_lhs = list(set(self.label_other) | set(s_label)) # Pass load comb RV with other RVs to the LSF dfXstar_dict_comb = dfgammanom.loc[[comb], rvs_for_lhs].to_dict("records")[ 0 ] if len(self.label_other) > 0: dfXstar_dict_other = dfgammanom.loc[[comb], self.label_other].to_dict( "records" )[0] else: dfXstar_dict_other = {} epgS_mat[:, idx] = self.lc_obj.eval_lsf_kwargs( **dfXstar_dict_comb ) - self.lc_obj.eval_lsf_kwargs(**dfXstar_dict_other) idx += 1 epgS_mat = epgS_mat * -1 np.fill_diagonal(epgS_mat, 0) return epgS_mat
def _get_psi_row_mat(self, num_other_vrs, psi_comb_vrs): """ Convert :math:`\\psi` estimates for load case variables into :math:`\\psi` matrix for all random variables (including non load case, i.e. other, variables). Each row of the output matrix corresponds to one set of :math:`\\psi` for all rvs for a load case. The value of :math:`\\psi` for non load case rvs is set to be 1.0. Parameters ---------- num_other_vrs : Integer Number of other random variables (i.e. load effects not part of load combinations). psi_comb_vrs : Array or Ndarray If :math:`\\psi` is specified for all load combinations, then Array. If :math:`\\psi` is specified per load combination, then Ndrray Matrix. Returns ------- psi_row_mat_ : Ndarray :math:`\\psi` Matrix for all rvs and combinations. Each row of Matrix corresponds to one set of :math:`\\psi` for all rvs for a load case. """ num_comb_vrs = len(psi_comb_vrs) if len(psi_comb_vrs.shape) == 1: psi_row_mat_comb = psi_comb_vrs * np.ones((num_comb_vrs, num_comb_vrs)) np.fill_diagonal(psi_row_mat_comb, 1) else: psi_row_mat_comb = psi_comb_vrs psi_row_mat_other = np.ones((num_comb_vrs, num_other_vrs)) psi_row_mat_ = np.concatenate([psi_row_mat_other, psi_row_mat_comb], axis=1) return psi_row_mat_ # Projection Method
[docs] def calc_beta_design_param(self, design_z): """ Calculate reliabilities based on given design parameter for resistance for all load combination cases. Parameters ---------- design_z : Float design parameter for resistance Returns ------- arr_beta : Array Array containing reliability indices corresponding to design_z for each load combination case. """ cvar = self.cvar val = Constant(cvar, design_z) dict_z = {cvar: val} list_form_des = [ self.lc_obj.run_reliability_case(lcn=xx, **dict_z) for xx in self.lc_obj.label_comb_cases ] arr_beta = np.array([xx.getBeta() for xx in list_form_des]) if self.print_output: print(f"\n Design reliabilities = {arr_beta}") return arr_beta
[docs] def calc_df_pgRS(self, min_phi, max_psi): """ Calculate the DataFrame of all resistance and load variables nominal values multiplied by their respective factors, :math:`\\phi`, :math:`\\gamma`, and :math:`\\psi`, for all load cases. Returns ------- df_pgRS : DataFrame """ df_pgRS = self.df_nom.copy() df_phi = self.get_phi_min(self.df_phi) if min_phi else self.df_phi df_psi = self.get_psi_max(self.df_psi) if max_psi else self.df_psi df_gamma = self.df_gamma.max() df_pgRS.loc[:, self.label_S] = df_pgRS[self.label_S] * df_gamma * df_psi df_pgRS.loc[:, self.label_R] = df_pgRS[self.label_R] * df_phi return df_pgRS
[docs] def get_design_param_factor(self, min_phi=True, max_psi=True): """ Estimate the resistance design parameter for a given set of safety and combination factors, and nominals. Returns ------- array_z : Array Array containing design parameters for all load combination cases. """ df_pgRS = self.calc_df_pgRS(min_phi, max_psi) list_cols = [df_pgRS.loc[[xx], :] for xx in self.label_comb_cases] array_z = np.array([self.calc_design_param_Xst(xx) for xx in list_cols]) return array_z
[docs] def print_detailed_output(self, precision=2): """ Print detailed outputs for Pystra Calibration, including calculations from intermediate steps. Parameters ---------- precision : float, optional Decimal precision for roundingo off output. The default is 2. Returns ------- None. """ n = 54 print("\n") print("=" * n) print("X* = \n", self.dfXstarcal.round(precision)) print("\nphi = ", "\n", self.df_phi.round(precision)) print("\ngamma =", "\n", self.df_gamma.round(precision)) print("\npsi = ", "\n", self.df_psi.round(precision)) print("=" * n)
[docs]class GenericModel: """ A probability model for generic calibration. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize the class which holds all the probability model info. Returns ------- None. """ self.phi = None self.gamma_g = None self.gamma_q = None self.gamma_p = None self.wR = None self.wS = None self.R = None self.G = None self.P = None self.Q = None self.Rk = None self.Gk = None self.Pk = None self.Qk = None
[docs] def set_factors(self, phi, gamma_g, gamma_p, gamma_q): """ Assign the partial factors to the generic probability model. Parameters ---------- phi : float Capacity reduction factor. gamma_g : float Dead load factor. gamma_p : float Permanent load factor. gamma_q : float Live load factor. Returns ------- None. """ self.phi = phi self.gamma_g = gamma_g self.gamma_p = gamma_p self.gamma_q = gamma_q
[docs] def set_distributions(self, wR, wS, R, G, P, Q): """ Assign the PySTRA distribution objects Parameters ---------- wR : PySTRA distribution object Model error for resistance. wS : PySTRA distribution object Model error for loading/analysis. R : PySTRA distribution object Resistance distribution. G : PySTRA distribution object Dead load distribution. P : PySTRA distribution object Permanent load distribution. Q : PySTRA distribution object Live load distribution. Returns ------- None. """ self.wR = wR self.wS = wS self.R = R self.G = G self.P = P self.Q = Q
[docs] def set_nominals(self, Rk, Gk, Pk, Qk): """ Set the nominal values of the parameters for use in design. Parameters ---------- Rk : float Characteristic value of resistance. Gk : float Characteristic value of dead load. Pk : float Characteristic value of permanent load. Qk : float Characteristic value of live load. Returns ------- None. """ self.Rk = Rk self.Gk = Gk self.Pk = Pk self.Qk = Qk
[docs] def set_model_errors(self, wR, wS): """ Set the model errors Parameters ---------- wR : PySTRA distribution object Model error for resistance. wS : PySTRA distribution object Model error for loading/analysis. Returns ------- None. """ self.wR = wR self.wS = wS
[docs] def set_resistance_params(self, R, Rk, phi): """ Set the resistance model parameters. Parameters ---------- R : PySTRA distribution object Resistance distribution. Rk : float Characteristic value of resistance. phi : float Capacity reduction factor. Returns ------- None. """ self.R = R self.Rk = Rk self.phi = phi
[docs] def set_dead_params(self, G, Gk, gamma_g): """ Set the dead load model parameters. Parameters ---------- G : PySTRA distribution object Dead load distribution. Gk : float Characteristic value of dead load. gamma_g : float Partial factor for dead load. Returns ------- None. """ self.G = G self.Gk = Gk self.gamma_g = gamma_g
[docs] def set_permanent_params(self, P, Pk, gamma_p): """ Set the permanent load model parameters. Parameters ---------- P : PySTRA distribution object Permanent load distribution. Pk : float Characteristic value of permanent load. gamma_p : float Partial factor for permanent load. Returns ------- None. """ self.P = P self.Pk = Pk self.gamma_p = gamma_p
[docs] def set_live_params(self, Q, Qk, gamma_q): """ Set the dead load model parameters. Parameters ---------- Q : PySTRA distribution object Live load distribution. Qk : float Characteristic value of live load. gamma_q : float Partial factor for live load. Returns ------- None. """ self.Q = Q self.Qk = Qk self.gamma_q = gamma_q
[docs] def get(self): """ Return a tuple of all the probability model parameters Returns ------- phi : float Capacity reduction factor. gamma_g : float Dead load factor. gamma_p : float Permanent load factor. gamma_q : float Live load factor. wR : PySTRA distribution object Model error for resistance. wS : PySTRA distribution object Model error for loading/analysis. R : PySTRA distribution object Resistance distribution. G : PySTRA distribution object Dead load distribution. P : PySTRA distribution object Permanent load distribution. Q : PySTRA distribution object Live load distribution. Rk : float Characteristic value of resistance. Gk : float Characteristic value of dead load. Pk : float Characteristic value of permanent load. Qk : float Characteristic value of live load. """ return ( self.phi, self.gamma_g, self.gamma_p, self.gamma_q, self.wR, self.wS, self.R, self.G, self.P, self.Q, self.Rk, self.Gk, self.Pk, self.Qk, )
[docs]class GenericCalibration: """ A generic code calibration """ def __init__(self, aq_points, ag_points): """ Initialize the generic code calibration class with the calculation points. Parameters ---------- q_points : nd.array The grid of points to use for the live load ratio. g_points : nd.array The grid of points to use for the dead load ratio. Returns ------- None. """ self.aq_points = aq_points self.ag_points = ag_points self.prob_models = [] self.is_analysed = False
[docs] def add_model(self, model, color, label): """ Add a probability model to the calibration. Parameters ---------- model : GenericModel object A probability model. color : str Matplotlib string representation of a colour for plotting. label : str Label for use in plot legend. Returns ------- None. """ self.is_analysed = False model_dict = {"model": model, "betas": None, "color": color, "label": label} self.prob_models.append(model_dict)
[docs] def lsf(self, z, aq, ag, wR, R, wS, G, P, Q): """ Limit state function for the generic code calibration problem. Parameters ---------- z : float Design parameter. aq : float Ratio of live to total loads. ag : float Ratio of dead to total dead and permanent load. wR : float Model error for resistance. R : float Normalized resistance. wS : float Model error for loading/analysis. G : float Normalized dead load. P : float Normalized permanent load. Q : float Normalized live load. Returns ------- float Evaluation of the limit state. """ return z * wR * R - wS * ((1 - aq) * (ag * G + (1 - ag) * P) + aq * Q)
[docs] def design(self, aq, ag, phi, gamma_g, gamma_p, gamma_q, Rk, Gk, Pk, Qk): """ Do a structural design for z, the design parameter, based on the code rules. Parameters ---------- aq : float Ratio of live to total loads. ag : float Ratio of dead to total dead and permanent load. phi : float Capacity reduction factor. gamma_g : float Dead load factor. gamma_p : float Permanent load factor. gamma_q : float Live load factor. Rk : float Characteristic value of resistance. Gk : float Characteristic value of dead load. Pk : float Characteristic value of permanent load. Qk : float Characteristic value of live load. Returns ------- z : float Design parameter. """ z = (1 / (phi * Rk)) * ( (1 - aq) * (ag * gamma_g * Gk + (1 - ag) * gamma_p * Pk) + aq * gamma_q * Qk ) return z
[docs] def analyse_design(self, z, aq, ag, wR, R, wS, G, P, Q): """ Reliability analysis of the design according to the code rules. Parameters ---------- z : float Design parameter. aq : float Ratio of live to total loads. ag : float Ratio of dead to total dead and permanent load. wR : float Model error for resistance. R : float Normalized resistance. wS : float Model error for loading/analysis. G : float Normalized dead load. P : float Normalized permanent load. Q : float Normalized live load. Returns ------- float The reliability index, beta. """ limit_state = LimitState(self.lsf) stochastic_model = StochasticModel() stochastic_model.addVariable(wR) stochastic_model.addVariable(R) stochastic_model.addVariable(wS) stochastic_model.addVariable(G) stochastic_model.addVariable(P) stochastic_model.addVariable(Q) stochastic_model.addVariable(Constant("z", z)) stochastic_model.addVariable(Constant("aq", aq)) stochastic_model.addVariable(Constant("ag", ag)) form = Form( stochastic_model=stochastic_model, limit_state=limit_state, ) return form.getBeta()
[docs] def get_reliabilities(self, Aq, Ag, model): """ Determine the reliabilities across the full range of dead and live load ratios. Parameters ---------- Aq : nd.array The grid of live load ratio points. Ag : nd.array The grid of dead load ratio points. model : GenericModel Probability model and code rules for analysis. Returns ------- beta : nd.array Reliability indices at each dead and live load ratio grid point. """ beta = np.zeros((Ag.size, Aq.size)) for i, ag in enumerate(Ag): for j, aq in enumerate(Aq): ( phi, gamma_g, gamma_p, gamma_q, wR, wS, R, G, P, Q, Rk, Gk, Pk, Qk, ) = model.get() z =, ag, phi, gamma_g, gamma_p, gamma_q, Rk, Gk, Pk, Qk) beta[i, j] = self.analyse_design(z, aq, ag, wR, R, wS, G, P, Q) return beta
[docs] def analyse(self): """ Analyse the code calibration problem given the probability models. Raises ------ ValueError If there are no probability models assigned. Returns ------- None. """ if not self.prob_models: raise ValueError("No probability models assigned") for pm in self.prob_models: pm["betas"] = self.get_reliabilities( self.aq_points, self.ag_points, pm["model"] ) self.is_analysed = True
def add_range(self, ax, xl, xu, ytext, text, alpha): def range_text(ax, x1, y1, x2, y2, text): ax.annotate( text="", xy=(x1, y1), xytext=(x2, y2), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="<->", shrinkA=0, shrinkB=0), ) ax.text( x1 + (x2 - x1) / 2, 1.01 * y1 + (y2 - y1) / 2, text, ha="center", va="bottom", ) ax.axvspan(xl, xu, facecolor="k", alpha=alpha) range_text(ax, xl, ytext, xu, ytext, text)
[docs] def plot_region(self, ax, x, beta, facecolor, label): """ Plots a region of reliability indices, and adds a line for the smallest dead load ratio. Parameters ---------- ax : Matplotlib Axes object The axes to plot on. x : nd.array Vector of live load ratio points. beta : nd.array Matrix of reliability indices correspond go the dead and live ratios grid. facecolor : str Matplotlib string description of a colour. label : str Label for the plot legend. Returns ------- None. """ ax.fill_between( x, beta.min(axis=0), beta.max(axis=0), alpha=0.5, facecolor=facecolor, label=label, ) ax.plot(x, beta[-1], color=facecolor, ls=":")
[docs] def beta_region_plot(self, Aq, data, beta_t, ranges, figsize=(12, 9), **kwargs): """ The main plotting function. Parameters ---------- Aq : nd.array Vector of live load ratio points.. data : List[Dict{GemericModel}] List of dictionaries of GenericModels, plotting info, and results. beta_t : float Target reliability index. ranges : Dict A dictionary of range information with the following keys: xl, xu, ytext, text, alpha defining the lower and upper aq values, the position of the text, the text, and the alpha of the range colouring. figsize : Tuple(float), optional The figure size in inches. The default is (12, 9). Returns ------- fig : Matplotlib Figure object The figure. ax : Matplotlib Axes object The axes. """ x = Aq fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, **kwargs) ax.set_axisbelow(True) ax.grid(which="both", ls=":", color="k") if ranges: for r in ranges: self.add_range(ax, **r) for d in data: self.plot_region(ax, x, d["betas"], d["color"], d["label"]) ax.axhline(beta_t, color="k", ls="--") t = ax.text(0.01, 0.99 * beta_t, rf"$\beta_T = {beta_t}$", ha="left", va="top") t.set_bbox(dict(edgecolor="w", facecolor="w", alpha=0.8, pad=0)) ax.set_xlabel(r"Variable load ratio, $a_q = Q/(G+P+Q)$") ax.set_ylabel(r"Reliability index, $\beta$") ax.legend(loc="upper left") return fig, ax
[docs] def plot(self, beta_t=4.7, ranges=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the region for each probability model with their descriptions. Parameters ---------- beta_t : float Target reliability index. ranges : Dict A dictionary of range information with the following keys: xl, xu, ytext, text, alpha defining the lower and upper aq values, the position of the text, the text, and the alpha of the range colouring. Raises ------ ValueError If there are no analysis results. Returns ------- fig,ax : Tuple(Matplotlib Figure, Matplotlib Axes) The figure and axes. """ if not self.is_analysed: raise ValueError("Must be analysed before plotting") return self.beta_region_plot( self.aq_points, self.prob_models, beta_t, ranges, **kwargs )